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Why choose us?

ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behaviour works to real life situations. 

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Unlike many therapies, ABA is goal oriented and the aim is to achieve the goals set every step of the way. Hence making the results clearly measureable.

Our Therapists are Speech & Language Pathologists who are trained and guided to incorporate ABA prinicples to achieve astounding results. They are personally trained by our Expertise Director Mrs. Radhika Poovayya (SLP) | (BCBA) - US Board Certified Behaviour Analyst from Florida Institute of Technology with over 30 years of passion & experience in the field of using the Integrated Approach of Behaviour & Speech Therapy. She is the Pioneer in using the Integrated approach across Asia and the first professional to be dually qualified.


The one-on-one format is highly effective and saves families thousands of dollars in seeking diagnosis, therapy, travel costs and accommodation abroad.

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